Mother’s Day Recording-Related Gift Ideas

Mother’s Day is just a few days away. If you don’t have something lined up, we suggest you hurry before you end up in the doghouse. (You remember the doghouse. That’s where you were when you forgot her birthday last year.)

If you’re looking for a few last minute ideas, we’re here for you. Of course, we need to give these a recording-related spin…because that’s how we roll.

old-photosMake a Video Slideshow for Mom

One thing Mom loves on Mother’s Day is being reminded of how great of mother you think she is. One easy way to do that is to put some actual effort into you gift, while also taking her on a trip down memory lane. Gather some of your favorite photos of mom being Mom and set it to music. Share it with her or post it on YouTube and share it with the world.

Record Mom a Song

If you can play an instrument, why not write mom a song to let her know what she means to you? Can’t play a note? Use a karaoke track from YouTube and sing her a song (or even re-write the lyrics to fit the occasion). Can’t sing, either? I’m pretty sure she already knows that (and loves you anyway). Regardless of how you go about it, a song is guaranteed to bring a smile to mom’s face.

Convert Mom’s Old Movies

Mothers Day MovieWhile the type of media will vary depending on Mom’s age, it’s still pretty likely she has some precious memories stored away in an outdated format. Whether mini-DV, VHS, or even Super-8, you can get these home movies converted to a digital format that can be easily viewed and shared. Sure, you might not have time discreetly locate her movies and get them digitized, but that’s what gift certificates are for. Remember: it’s the thought that counts.

Record a Video Message for Mom

This one works best if you can’t be with Mom on Mother’s Day, as she’d always prefer to see you in person. But a simple, heart-felt video message can bring the feels. Whether you use your phone or computer, just hit record and tell her why she’s the best.

Hopefully we’ve helped get the ideas flowing. If you already have Mother’s Day locked down for this year, you can put these ideas in your back pocket for next year. Oh, and Father’s Day is coming up next month. (You didn’t forget, did you?)

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